CCCE 2022 – Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition
Calgary (Canada), 13-17 June 2022, Oral Presentation by Angiolina Comotti Title: “Benchmark Rotor Dynamics and Light-driven Motors Engineered in 3D […]
Calgary (Canada), 13-17 June 2022, Oral Presentation by Angiolina Comotti Title: “Benchmark Rotor Dynamics and Light-driven Motors Engineered in 3D […]
Calgary (Canada), 13-17 June 2022, Oral Presentation by Piero Sozzani Title: “Tuning Light Emission and Dynamics of Gases in Porous […]
Gargnano (Italy), 12-16 June 2022, Oral Presentation by Silvia Bracco Title: “Dynamics and Gas Detection in Nanoporous Architectures by Solid […]
Zurich (Online), 27-28 May 2022, Oral Presentation by Jacopo Perego Title: “Porous emitting covalent and hybrid nanoparticles for photonic applications” […]