The research group lead by Prof. Angiolina Comotti operates in the Department of Materials Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca since 1998. The group leadership constitutes the PI (Full Professor), Piero Sozzani (Full Professor), and Silvia Bracco (Associate Professor).

The Group research activities are focused on supramolecular assemblies and polymer chemistry for the fabrication of nano-porous materials for energy management and environment. In particular, the main topics are solid state chemistry and material, including:

  • Nano-porous materials for gas capture and purification
  • Polymerization in confined media and solid-state reactions
  • Ultra-fast molecular rotors, motors and switches
  • Properly designed molecular architectures with energy transfer luminescence and scintillation properties

All the research lines are corroborated by a long-standing expertise on solid-state NMR for chemical purity, structural determination and dynamics,  intermolecular interactions between constituents. Multi-nuclear and multi-dimensional approaches and advanced hyperpolarization techniques for gas-solid interactions are used for a more in depth analysis of the materials properties.